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August 10, 2024

POSTED IN:Uncategorized

Fall mini session photos from Cator Woolford Gardens in Atlanta, GA

All 2024 fall mini sessions in Atlanta (start at) $100 and include: Session dates and locations are listed here: All sessions will take place within three hours of sunrise; your exact time will be sent with your booking. 2024 Fall Mini Sessions are designed for immediate family members only. All bookings require a payment in […]

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Is a mini session right for me?

July 19, 2023

POSTED IN:Uncategorized

christmas family mini sessions

I never really cared about taking photos until I started having kids. Now my camera roll is filled with rows and rows of tiny toes, shaky and blurry faces, and videos of my boys smiling and laughing. I literally can’t take enough photos of them! But there’s nothing like my professionally taken photos. If you’re […]

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When to Take Engagement Photos

August 9, 2018

POSTED IN:Blog, Uncategorized

He popped the question and you said “YES!” Now what? You are flooded with so many emotions and you have a million and one questions! I’m sure one of the questions you have pondered is when to take engagement photos. Plain and simple, your engagement photos should be taken as soon as possible. Taking your […]